Sunday, June 17, 2012

to the best friend of mine :))






a friend in need, is a friend indeed. and YOU, are really my indeed and truly friend.

you, without you knowing it, have been doing so much in my life. and im not exaggerating, you indeed have. you should know that i am very thankful and grateful that i have a friend like you :))

i always know that i can bbm you or text you whenever im in trouble and need friend to talk to though we are far apart.

we might not chat every day, like girlfriends usually do. but i know that when people ask me who really my friend is, your name will be the one, among others, who first come up.

and you, you will always have that special place in my heart (not that im being a hopeless romantic here, i mean it. hahaha) which will always be there, no matter how many new people i meet every day, every week, every month and every year. 

i hope you get as much pleasure from our FRIENDSHIP as I DO. this is what you wrote in your sweet 2-year-ago birthday present for me. YES, I DO enjoy our friendship, or i should say that I DO REALLY VERY INDEEDLY ENJOY our friendship n i really hope that you also get that much pleasure then, now, and later :))


and here i am sincerely wishing you all the best. may you get more and more wisdom, kindness, health and sincerity. may you enjoy your life, as it is the very important one, hihihi. may you get the happiness of life! keep shining as you have been shining. keep blessing other people with all things you do with your life. keep placing God the first as you have been doing *and really,you should teach me this one :p*. keep being happy and keep making people around you happy!

and once again, HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY! :*

Saturday, June 16, 2012

cutting your fruit

there are many things that i couldnt realise until i got to live alone in Malaysia. 

we all know, n realise, that people usually compare their life with those 'higher' than them and so do i. this 'higher' means everything. richer, cleverer, more handsome, prettier, you name it. i couldnt help but comparing myself to other people, being ungrateful with every condition, cause i always see points in which people are better or 'higher' than me.

until one day, i was cutting my fruits (grapes and apple) in my room in Malaysia. i was VERY LAZY to do that. my brother and i, wont eat any fruit that still has seeds in it. hahaha. such a lazy couple, arent we? orange, grapes, apple, etc, wont be eaten if there are seeds. it used to be my helper cutting the grapes and throwing away all the seeds. same case with apple. they will cut the apple, throw away all the seeds and specially for me, because of my teeth, they will cut the apple in small pieces so that i dont have to bite the apple. the point is, no matter what kind of fruit they are, they all will be placed nicely in one plate. we, then, will eat them happily, without facing any difficulties in throwing away any seeds.

at that time i was thinking. i was so lazy to cut those grapes and apple and throw away all the seeds, though after that, ME is the one who will be eating that fruit.i just cant imagine that i have to cut the grapes and apple and throw away all the seeds, and i will not taste even a bite of it. 

but then i was like 'isnt it my helper always like this? they cut the fruits, they throw away all the seeds and they DONT eat the fruits?'

hahaha --> it's a sad laugh. 

how can i do that to my helper? GRAR. well, not that if we give them they will eat it. they wont. i swear. they wont. ive tried to give them food before we eat *so that it wont be 'leftover'*, but they never want to eat before we eat.  

but still, how can i not think about that? 

at the very least, how can i not be thankful of their presence? how can i still compare all things that i dont have and not being grateful with the ones i have?

while we are eating happily, they are cutting the fruit. when we are done eating, the fruit will be placed nicely in the table. it seems simple, but when i think more of it, there are people working who make that able to happen. there are people who have to cook before we are able to eat. there are people who have to cut the fruits and throw away all the seeds so that we can eat them without any difficulties. there are people who will wash all the dishes so that we can continue our movies or homework or novels or whatever activities seconds after we are done eating. there are people who have to clean the kitchen after the cooking is all done so that we dont have to worry about all the mess resulted from the cooking.

living alone has been giving me lessons from the very simplest things to all the 'big' things. what ive been learning the most is how to be grateful with what i have, and this is one of them. cutting fruits might seem simple, but it gave me a whole bunch of knowledge and lessons that i couldnt even think of it before. and i should say, people who have chance to cut their own fruit at the very beginning should be very thankful :))


loving my lazy day :))


that picture doesnt really represent my family, i dont have any dog, and there are only 4 of us, not 5. but the point is, i love my family! :D

anywayyyy, life's been good here. ive been eating much *too much, maybe :p* ive been gaining weight, ive been sleeping well *VERY well*. n ive been happy!

when i was in Malaysia, picturing my holiday, i was thinking it would be me going all around Jakarta to re-taste every street food and every mall id been missing. but, when i arrived at my home, entered my bedroom, i know that i wont be doing all those things on my holiday. at that very second, i know that i want to 'enjoy' my home. i want to enjoy my bed, i want to enjoy my parents' comfy sofa n watch a whole bunch of dvds.

sounds so lazy, doesnt it? 

but, i just realised that THAT really is the one ive been missing --> A LAZY DAY

a lazy day that starts with waking up so late, having brunch, followed by watching some dvds, late lunch, back to the watching room to watch some more dvds. people might say that im wasting my time. i dont care. THAT is the one ive been waiting so long :D

it is very good, when you wake up without worrying n trying to make a list of what you're going to eat for the whole day. you want to eat that, but you have to walk 20 minutes. you want to eat that, but you've to walk 10 minutes. you dont want to walk, youve to wait for delivery. delivery means the food wont be warm. you are lazy to walk, dont want delivery, the only choice is go to the dorm's cafetaria. but it's expensive and not that delicious. eat is kinda complicated, huh? or is it me that is complicated? hahaha. but really, when you are overseas, you will be very much dependent on your friends. you dont really want to eat alone, do you? then yes, eat will be more complicated cause you will be asking around what they want to eat. or in times when you have known what you want to eat, they will ask you to eat to another place. wekekekek.
therefore, yes. that kind of thoughts really annoys your lazy day! so it feels REALLY GOOD when you wake up, there's a toast + milo waiting :))

it is also very good, when you enjoy your room without worrying you will be using too much air con (AC). we are to use only 180hours a month (meaning 6 hours per day). if you go beyond that, youve to pay. n of course i dont want to pay! hahaha :p 
here i can turn the air con on as long as i m in the room. i can use air con in every second i watch dvd. i can use air con while i m typing every single letter in this blog! 

that kind of thing, really makes me feel that im so blessed with everything i have. i might not have jaguar, ferrari, louis vuitton bags, prada stuffs, etc like what my friends have. but i have a home filled with warmth and joy, with all people that i love the most. 

i am blessed, i am happy, i am enjoying my life! 

have a great weekend! :))

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

i love both of you :*

dulu gw selalu mikir....

kenapa gw lahir di keluarga yang orang tuanya 22nya kerja. ga ada yang anter skolah, ga ada yang jemput dari sekolah, dari TK uda pake anter jemput, dari TK uda jadi anaknya si mba, pergi les di anter mba, yang tungguin gw selama sekolah si mba, yang bantuin gw kerjain PR juga si mba, yang masakin bekal mba, yang bantuin pake baju seragam si mba, dll dll dll. 
nyokap gw *sama kaya gw*, bukan orang yang cewe2 amat. gw belajar make up bukan dari nyokap, gw belajar masak bukan dari nyokap, gw belajar ini itu kebanyakan bukan dari nyokap. 

kadang2 gw mikir.... kenapa begitu?

di keluarga lain, bonyok2 bisa akrab banget sama anak2nya. pas pertama kali dateng ke Malay, temen2 gw pada stiap hari skype sama bonyoknya. nah gw? sampe skarang uda 4 bulan cuma pernah skali! wkwk lebih sering gw skype sama temen2 gw daripada sama bonyok. 

kadang2 gw protes, kenapa begini kenapa begitu... kadang gw mikir, i never can love my parents as much as i love my friends. my friends are always there for me, but they never are. 


banyak kejadian di Malaysia yang merubah pikiran gw :)))

gw banyak stressnya di Malaysia, dan gw bisa merasakan gimana gw AMAT SANGAT BERSYUKUR N CINTA sama bonyok gw. 

pernah ada kejadian yang bikin gw panik bener2 sepanik2nya. jadi ada 1 pelajaran yang harusnya ga gw ambil tapi gw ambil. gw gatau itu ga boleh diambil, karna emang ga pernah ngecekin gituan *aslinya semua info available di internet*. tapi toh gw pikir gw mau apply pelajaran harus ada approval dulu. ya uda, uda di approved, ga masalah dong harusnya. tapi taunya, credit point gw 0. NOL. NIHIL. n tau apa akibatnya? gw harus perpanjang 1 smester lagi saudara2. n itu ga murah, itu mahal. itu buang2 waktu gw buat kesempatan internship. itu buat gw cape karna gw uda pelajarin itu setengah pelajaran, n itu bukan pelajaran yang gampang. KESEL setengah mati. kenapa kalo uda ga boleh pake di approved2 segala sama Monash? rese banget kan. mana mahal pula. gw uda ga enak banget sama bonyok, uda panik setengah mati, ga tau mau kasih taunya gimana. antara takut kena omel, ga enak, kesel uda sia2 ambil itu pelajaran selama 1 stengah bulan, dll dll smua campur aduk jadi 1. 

tapi tau kah nyokap gw ngmg apa pas gw kasih tau di telpon? 

"yah gapapa lah, kalo emang harus ambil lagi bayar lagi ya udah. mau gimana lagi? usahain aja ga usah ngulang, bilang ke mereka toh itu juga ga sepenuhnya salah kamu, ada salah merekanya juga"

gw SHOCKED berat. di pikiran gw, mereka bakal ngmg yang kira2 "kenapa kalo kaya gitu ga di cek dulu? bla bla bla bla bla"

n pas sebelom gw tidur, tiba2 dateng 1 bbm dari bokap gw. ini aneh banget. soalnya biasanya kalo komunikasi langsung di group bbm, jarang banget di chat pribadi. 

bbmnya adalahhh "Tesa, tenang aja, yg penting usakan jangan sampai kehilangan waktu, oke?" sumpah gw terharu sampe nangis. mereka sama sekali ga merhatiin duit ntah berapa juta yang bakal ilang, tapi mereka cuma mau gw ga kehilangan waktu n ga stressed *karna emang waktu itu mereka tau gw juga ada test* nangis loh gw sebelom tidur -__- gw menitikkan air mata trs abis itu tidur nyenyak banget ga panik sama skali :))

anw, akhirnya gw ga perlu bayar n credit point gw kembali jadi 6 :D God is indeed good!

trs ada lagi. 

gw sangat amat stressed pas belajar buat final exam Financial Accounting. that, from the view us (students), is the most important subject, as we take accounting degree. gw uda latian hampir 50 halaman bolak balik folio, tapi ngitung ngga pernah bener -___- uda sampe nangis2 gw belajarnya. uda sampe gatau mau gimana lagi. gatau ya, gw ga rela jelek di accounting. kalo jelek di yang laen gapapa deh kalo jelek di accounting, gw ga rela lah. kan gw ambilnya jurusan accounting! hahaha. 

nyokap gw pas gw stressed cuma bbm gini di group: "fail juga ngga mati. kenapa dirisaukan? yang penting be the best and God will do the rest. kalo uda be the best hasil ngga usah dipikirkan."

and i was like 'did she really mean that?'

kalo ngulang, berapa duitrlagi yang bakal keluar, belom hrs nunda pulang, yang berarti nambah biaya kos n makan lagi. 

n setelah 3 hari ga bisa tidur nyenyak karna belajar accounting, gw hari itu bisa tidur nyenyak sampe bangun2nya ngeces huahahaha. gw bener2 ga lebay, beneran ga bisa tidur. bisa 10x kali gw bangun, n slalu bangun sebelom alarm bunyi. padahal alarm gw stel tuh 6 jam dari waktu gw tidur. 

dan shari sebelom gw ulangan (hari Minggu), bokap gw nelpon sambil ketawa2. dia ngmg "stress ya bu? jangan stres2lah huahahaha" lucu banget deh dia ketawa2 trs di telpon gw juga jadi ketawa2 sendiri jadinya padahal lagi stress banget. trs malah gokil banget gw disuruh ke mall buat refreshing, trs disuruh ke gereja lagi *gw uda ke gereja hari sabtunya waktu itu*. pokoknya intinya gw harus refreshing n gw harus tidur cepet biar gw bisa konsen besok pas ulangan. 

my parents are both really sweet, arent they? hihihi 

bonyok gw juga terus2an ngmg 'yang penting do the best. hasil ga usah pikirin. belajar, pasrah, doa. tenang dan fokus, jangan gugup. tidur yang cukup'

disaat passport gw belom balik padahal 2 hari lagi gw pulang, bonyok gw juga trs2an ngmg 'ga usah dipikirin. kalo bayar lagi buat tiket ya bayar lagi. yang penting pikirin ujian dulu.'
that was really touching!

mereka bukan orangtua yang mungkin bisa di rumah 24 jam. well, 12 jam aja ga pernah. tapi mereka orangtua yang selalu ada buat gw, dimanapun kapanpun gw butuh. gw baru sadar skarang kalo mereka orangtua yang selalu ada buat kasih gw semangat, dukungan, nasihat, kebijaksanaan kapanpun gw lagi stress. dulu gw ga pernah minta saran ini itu dari bonyok, gw ga pernah cerita apa2, ntah kenapa tapi skarang cerita, n gw baru tau betapa bijaksananya mereka, betapa mereka ngedukung gw, betapa mereka selalu mau yang terbaik buat gw :D