Tuesday, September 28, 2010

you, always, eternally :)

knowing u is the best part of my life

having u by my side is the most wonderful chance i have got

doing every single thing with u is the most incredible time

hence i want to figure out what my heart says about u. but, no matter how hard i try to find the suitable words, the words do not come.  

even every beautiful or sweet words i have said are not enough to express my feelings.

u think those all words are bullshit? maybe they really are. but deep inside my heart, they are not, honey. i just can't stop this feelings. 

firstly, 'like' came to me to express my feelings. i liked you. i liked the way u treat people around u. i liked the way u treat me. but then, it was obviously not enough. it became much more than that.

then, 'adore' came to me. hmm yeah, i adored u. and i still do now. i adore u for ur kindness, ur care, ur sympathy, ur empathy. but no, that's even not enough. 

'addicted?' of course yes. i m badly addicted to you. but no, it is still not enough either. 

weeks ago, 'love' came to me. hmmm. till now, it is the one who is able to best explain my feeling, best express my heart. but even 'love' cannot express all.

my feelings towards you is beyond words can say.


untouchable by words.

but well, i think 'love' is the most suitable one. 

so, i LOVE u! :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

HD, FINALLY! yeahhhh. thank God

hari ini adalah hari pertama gw dapet HD. horay! wkwk. 

jadi, di college tuh tingkatan nilainya gini:
NP (not pass) : below 50
P (pass) : 50-59
C (credit) : 60-69
D (distinction) : 70-79
HD (high distinction) : 80-100

gw udah frustrasi, sampe gw 3 bulan skolah, gw ga pernah dapet HD. nilai gw smuaaa di D. bahkan ada yang C 1 biji. itu bikin gw stres amat sanget. 

sampe akhirnya tadi, pas ulangan management dibagiin, gw dapet HD. Goshhh. n lumayan juga, 95. gw bahkan ga nyangka sama sekali. management tuh plajaran yang gw dapet C. 

dapet hasilnya tuh gw langsung ngucapin "thank God" berkali2. cuma itu doang yang bisa gw lakuin, gada yang laen. gw speechless. saking gembiranya akhirnya gw dpt HD.

gw udah bgadang tiap malem, udah berjuang skuat jiwa raga *halah lebay*, tapi gada yang dapet HD. n akhirnyaaaaaaaa. here it comes, finally! my first HD is my management. n im pretty happy with it. hohoho :D

i thank YOU, GOD. :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

with love, for love, for you :)

hmm.. it's for you.. only for you. hehehe :) :D 

since the day that we met,
i ain't never had anyone make me feel this way
and my heart is sure it wants to be with you
(together, Ne-Yo)

no one ever saw me like you do,
i don't know how or why i feel different in your eyes
(the way u look at me, Christian Bautista)

what i know is,
u are the one i've waited for,
u gave me what i need and more
(together, Ne-Yo)

u are the one i wanna chase, 
u r the one i wanna hold,
i wont let another minute to go to waste
i want u and ur beautiful soul
(beautiful soul, Jesse McCartney)

i really thank God i found you,
coz you brought the sunlight and completed my whole life (thank God i found you, Mariah Carey)

coz u r the best thing i never knew i needed (never knew i needed, Ne-Yo)

coz u make me believe in myself when nobody else can help (because u live, Jesse McCartney)

i believe it's you
i don't care what other people say or do,
it only matters what we have is true, 
and i believe it's you. 
(i believe, Brian McKnight)

u are the first and last thing on my mind (u make me wanna, Blue)

and u know, 
even if the sun refuse to shine, 
even if romance ran out of rhyme,
you would still have my heart until the end of time (my valentine, Martina McBride)

i love u more than life (never again, Justin Timberlake)

i love u, and hopefully will always do :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

bb gueeeee. aaaaarrrrrrgggggggggghhhhh :'(


okay it freaks me out. really. 

bukan berarti gw orang yang freak bb, yg kmn2 slalu bbman, tapi yaaaaaa. lw bayangin biasanya gampang banget hubungin orang lewat bbm, skg jadi kudu lewat sms n tlp lagi. 
jadi ribet n jadi males.
walopun gw masih tergolong baru make bb *baru gada sebulan tepatnya*, tetep ajah brasa banget. haduh. males banget deh. 

dan yang paling bwt gw speechless adalah pas gw tanya 'mas, itu contacts bbmny ga ilang kan?' n dia dgn amat sangat nyantainya ngmg 'wah ya jelas ilang smua dong.' dan gw speechless. 
dan dengan segala bujukan gw, akhirnya gw bisa buat tuh mas2 ngeback-up data contacts gw ke memori card *dia gamau karna katanya dy gada wewenang. oh c'mon WHO CARES?.wkwk. udah emergency tingkat tinggi nih!*
jadilah dia ngeback-up data2 gw, jd katanya ntar gw ga usah invite2 lagi. 

o ya. guess what? tuh mas2 tadi dgn nyantainya ngmg 'loh kan tinggal invite lagi mba?' nah mas itu contactsnya ada RATUSAN. masa gw musti invite satu2? mati ajah gw. haha. 
pegel ntar jempol gw.

tapi akhirnya mas2 yang sangat amat baik hati itu mau ngeback-up data gw *tengkkiiuuuu banget loh mas. mas baeeee banget ama saya*

okay jadi intinya sebenernya gw lagi curcol ajah gw kehilangan bb gw. hiks :( 
okay lw ga mati tes gada bb. tenang ajahhhhh. wkwkwkkwwk :D