Sunday, October 31, 2010

for a HAPPY guy, who has his BIRTHDAY --> HAPPY BIRHTDAY

When I read about sincerity I gave to you yesterday, what directly came up in my mind is you.

Now i noticed already that what makes you different is that your every single act is full of sincerity. 
Not your act for me, but moreover for your parents and your brother. 
I never saw anyone that is so full of love like you are.

Karna itu, buat aku, kamu itu special. Nothing can ever replace you.

You are my best friend,

You are my best boyfriend,

You are my best teacher,

You are my unreplaceable person in my life,

You are my special one,

You are the one, who I gave up my heart to,

You are the one and the only one,

You are my love,

You are my heart..

Oh ya btw, i think i can’t ever create a more beautiful writing compared to my first one. The one with some lyrics of songs.

So this day, i want to let you know that if one day u have some doubt with me,
Just remember that u are the one that i’ve waited for..

If someday u don’t believe in what i think of you me when many people judge u,
Just keep in mind that i believe it’s you, and i don’t care what other people say or do
That what matters to me is that what we have is true,
And i believe it’s you.

If someday u don’t trust me anymore,
read out loud the sentence that
even if the sun refused to shine,
even if romance ran out of rhyme,
u would still have my heart until the end of time

And if you CAN'T REMEMBER any of this,

The point is, just read that again every time and moreover if in case u have some doubt :)

Okay so the purpose of writing this is that in this special day,  the 1st of November, I would like to remind you that I am deeply in love with you.
And why do I want to remind you that I love you? Because I can’t think of a better idea what to give you on your birthday. I keep thinking that my gift won’t be good without you first realising that I love you very much. 

I always wish u all the best,
And i want u to know that u really is the best
And i also want you to know that i feel lucky to have you.

Happy birthday,
Andrian Pratama Putra.

I love you, and I will ALWAYS do :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

coach potato-in and pig-ing

yeah. 3 minggu ini gw tuh LIBUR.

mungkin lebih tepatnya bukan libur. tapi 'COACH POTATO-ING' and 'PIG-ING'.
kreasi kegiatan gw cuma ada 3:

pertama.bangun, sarapan, ntn dvd, makan siang, ntn dvd, makan malem, ntn dvd, tidur.

kedua. bangun, sarapan, baca novel, makan siang, baca novel, makan malem, baca novel, tidur.

ketiga. bangun, bikin puzzle, baca novel, makan siang, bikin puzzle, makan malem, bikin puzzle, tidur.

okay. sooooo. hasil dari liburan ini adalahhh. gw naek 1 kilo! gosh. liburan 3 minggu udah bikin berat badan gw naek 1 kg. gw bener2 ga ngapa2in dirumah. ol ajah jarang. ya jadi cuma bener2 nonton, baca novel, bikin puzzle. gila kan?

sumpah bosen banget liburan sendiri kaya gini. busetttttttt. gw libur, temen2 di skul laen lagi mid test. jadi ga bisa jalan2. ade gw juga otomatis lagi mid test. bonyok lagi kerja. nah teruuuussssss gw libur sendirian deh kaya orang bego. yang libur cuma yang skul di monash doang kali yah.

dan yang buat gw shock lagi, katanya liburan ini tuh termasuk sebentar. cuma 3 minggu, biasanya liburannya bakal sampe sbulan lebih. OH MY GOSH. gila itu bisa naek brapa kilo berat gw???? bakal jadi babi nanti gw masuk2, gada yang ngenalin gw. wkwk.

tapi kalo udah detik2 terakhir liburan kaya sekarang nih. *ini hari terakhir libur gw. hiks. sedihnya*, gw jadi pengennya libur lagiiii.. gw belom siap nih buat dikejar2 deadline tugas, project, presentasi, dan segala macem tetek bengeknya itu. hiks :'( mana jadwal kuliahnya ada yang clash jadi gw kemungkinan besar harus ambil INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING. helll. no! i dont want that. blajarnya tau ga apaan? word, excel, powerpoint, and the other microsoft offices. n u know what? 2003 version. why the hell i should learn about that? haiyaaaaaa. almost all people now r having the 2007 or 2010 version. haizzzzzzzz.

tapi dilaen pihak gw udah janji sama diri gw sndiri, nilai gw bakal lebih bagus lagi dari nilai trimester gw yang maren. gw ngincer HD smua. yeah. harus, kudu, musti! :) ayo tesa, kembali berjuang. hehehehehehe :D