it's finally 16 days left!
is 'HORAY' the right word to follow that sentence or 'HIKS' is the right one?
well at some times i was SO DAMN HAPPY knowing that i wont no longer be at my house, but at some other time i was SO DAMN SAD. well, i guess humans are simply complicated, huh?
i have many wishes for my last days in Jakarta, but i guess i have to give up all of them :( so, here are some of my wishes.... i hope i wont be sad when i am reading this post in malaysia :(
i want, WANT, WANT to go around jakarta with its public transportation. but it's hard to find a friend haihhhh. and i am too afraid to go by myself as you know there were loads of rape and sexual harassment cases lately, not to mention robbery,that is like a very usual thing in indonesia. my mother wont allow me to go by public transport alone anyway. she used to, but she does not any longer after hearing the rape cases. so even if i were not afraid, i were not allowed.
and then i want to go to all malls in jakarta. well, ive been to all malls in gading, ive been to GI and PI very often, ive been to sency, PS, PP, CP, PIM, and plaza semaggi once, but ive never been to Gandaria City! ha. i guess i still have a place to go, right? and Nanny's Pavillion just opened their new branch there, and ive been craving for this restaurant for like, forever. so there are 2 SUPER BIG reasons why going to GanCi is a complete MUST.
and then, there are these night-open street restaurants that i always want to try, but never have a fried who is allowed to go till late at night and lives near to my house *well, i cannot drive, im not allowed to go by public transportation, so i guess this person must drive me home, right? and it's impossible if their houses are far far away and you ask them to drive me home*. so, yes i never eat at WGP. yes i never it at kemang. yes i never eat at mangga besar. yes i never eat at bu iis at night. and YES I AM A VERY PITIFUL PERSON. hahahahaha -___-
huahhh. there are still loads of places i want want WANT to go in Jakarta, there are still loads of restaurant i want to try, but i simply cant :( i guess i will know Malaysia better than Indonesia. for me, that's sad. i wont even know jakarta's busway routes, but i will remember every bus routes in Malaysia. hmmmm that's uncomfortable, at least for me. haha.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
lagu waktu SD
OOT sebentar dari post2 gw tentang Melbourne Trip nih :p
lagu ini diajarin sama guru agama pas masih SD. udah lamaaaaaaa banget, tapi gw masih inget banget itu lagu favorit waktu itu, diajarin sama guru agama favorit :p
lagunya judulnya uda lupa, tapi ntah kenapa nada n kata2nya masih melekat di kepala. yah mungkin kalo ada yang baca n ngenalin lagu ini bisa tau kalo ada salah2 sedikit di kata2nya, maklum dari SD :p
dan ntah kenapa juga, bangun2 tiba2 nyanyi2 sndiri lagi ini hehehe :) bagusss banget. bukan cuma nadanya doang yang bagus, tapi kata2nya juga bagus.
sebenernya gw agak bingung karna gw search2 di google ga pernah nemu, mungkin ini ciptaan guru agama gw sndiri kali ya? hmm
here it is...
Saat ini kupuji kebesaranMu Tuhan
tuk cinta kasih nan tulus dan mulia
di atas segalanya
Saat ini syukurku panjatkan atas anugrahMu
untuk sahabat dan saudaraku
di dalam Tuhan
Bersama kita arungi kehidupan ini
berbagi suka dan duka tumbuhkan harapan
Bersama kita arungi kehidupan ini
berbagi kasih nan tulus damai sejaht'ra
reff: Kau dan aku satu, dalam cinta kasih
Kau dan aku satu, dalam tujuan 'tuk nyatakan pada
cintanya Yesus yang abadi s'lamanya
lagu ini diajarin sama guru agama pas masih SD. udah lamaaaaaaa banget, tapi gw masih inget banget itu lagu favorit waktu itu, diajarin sama guru agama favorit :p
lagunya judulnya uda lupa, tapi ntah kenapa nada n kata2nya masih melekat di kepala. yah mungkin kalo ada yang baca n ngenalin lagu ini bisa tau kalo ada salah2 sedikit di kata2nya, maklum dari SD :p
dan ntah kenapa juga, bangun2 tiba2 nyanyi2 sndiri lagi ini hehehe :) bagusss banget. bukan cuma nadanya doang yang bagus, tapi kata2nya juga bagus.
sebenernya gw agak bingung karna gw search2 di google ga pernah nemu, mungkin ini ciptaan guru agama gw sndiri kali ya? hmm
here it is...
Saat ini kupuji kebesaranMu Tuhan
tuk cinta kasih nan tulus dan mulia
di atas segalanya
Saat ini syukurku panjatkan atas anugrahMu
untuk sahabat dan saudaraku
di dalam Tuhan
Bersama kita arungi kehidupan ini
berbagi suka dan duka tumbuhkan harapan
Bersama kita arungi kehidupan ini
berbagi kasih nan tulus damai sejaht'ra
reff: Kau dan aku satu, dalam cinta kasih
Kau dan aku satu, dalam tujuan 'tuk nyatakan pada
cintanya Yesus yang abadi s'lamanya
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Melbourne - Part 2
before i start writing anything,
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! wish you all a great year ahead :)
now im continuing writing about my Melbourne trip! the second day, me and my mother joined a one-day trip to the Great Ocean Road. it was a bit raining when we woke up and walking to the assembly point, but we didnt care much as we thought the rain would stop at a later time.
however, yes assumption is the biggest problem! the rain did not stop at all! even after we went to sleep that night, the rain had not stopped. yes Melbourne is great in terms of weather. SIGH.
oh and i have to tell you first a bit about the tour. it was a Chinese-own tour, therefore it was very cheap compared with other tours. i forgot the exact price, but i remember it was half the price of other tours. 40 or 50 AUD per person, i think. we would like to join the english programme, but it was sold out. however, we had the courage to join the Chinese programme though none of us understand Chinese well *because of the price, of course! haha*. BUT, we were very lucky because the programme was changed to bilingual programme at the end. i think maybe because of the demand of their sold-out english programme, as i saw a couple of western people there. westernes would not understand Chinese at all, right? they must demand for an english programme.
okay, back to the trip itself.
we did not take many photos because of the rain and the wind. the wind is MUCH WORSE than the rain itself. even we had umbrellas, we were still wet because of the wind. haiyoh.
this one was taken from our toilet-stop. my mom said that this one was actually a tourist spot, too. but i forgot the name :p
these were just posted to show you the very-strong wind! haha -___- and our wet clothes though we had umbrellas.
this actually is the hmm i dont know what the word is, but it is where the driver drives the tram. the cockpit, maybe? hahaha.
and this one was the only stop where the tram was stopped by the driver without any of us demanded. i did not know what building it was. i was too sleepy even to pay attention to the road. my mom was angry about this. but hey, yesterday was a very tiring day!
and this was the look of the city circle tram. and i forgot to say, we could enjoy this for free!
and theenn, part two ends here :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! wish you all a great year ahead :)
now im continuing writing about my Melbourne trip! the second day, me and my mother joined a one-day trip to the Great Ocean Road. it was a bit raining when we woke up and walking to the assembly point, but we didnt care much as we thought the rain would stop at a later time.
however, yes assumption is the biggest problem! the rain did not stop at all! even after we went to sleep that night, the rain had not stopped. yes Melbourne is great in terms of weather. SIGH.
oh and i have to tell you first a bit about the tour. it was a Chinese-own tour, therefore it was very cheap compared with other tours. i forgot the exact price, but i remember it was half the price of other tours. 40 or 50 AUD per person, i think. we would like to join the english programme, but it was sold out. however, we had the courage to join the Chinese programme though none of us understand Chinese well *because of the price, of course! haha*. BUT, we were very lucky because the programme was changed to bilingual programme at the end. i think maybe because of the demand of their sold-out english programme, as i saw a couple of western people there. westernes would not understand Chinese at all, right? they must demand for an english programme.
okay, back to the trip itself.
we did not take many photos because of the rain and the wind. the wind is MUCH WORSE than the rain itself. even we had umbrellas, we were still wet because of the wind. haiyoh.
this one was taken from our toilet-stop. my mom said that this one was actually a tourist spot, too. but i forgot the name :p
this was in our another stop spot, because the tour leader said the spot was good. anyway, you can see the wind, right? haha -__- and pay attention, my cloth was not wet YET. oh and both of us did wear wrong cloth. all people there wore thick jacket and long pants, but look what i wore! we did that because we thought we were going to the beach *all beaches in Indonesia is hot, hellooowww*
our first stop is George something food court. we had to walk from the bus and that took quite an effort. sigh.
too bad i did not have any photo of the restaurant, but i did take a photo of what happened in front of the restaurant. there were a group of people (as you can see below) who sold food, things, drinks, etc for charity. meaning that money they got will be donated. wasnt it good? and look! all the people selling were elderlies!
oh i also remember what i had for lunch there, spaghetti bolognaise. my mom said that it was very australian. i did not really notice the difference, but i liked it more than any spaghetti i've eaten.
after we made ourselves a lil bit warmer, we were trying really hard walking to the bus. though the sky was sooo clear, but the rain and the wind was very bad. sigh. it was a wrong day to go to the ocean, wasnt it?
the photo below was the 12 Apostles. the reality was much nicer yet the wind was REALLY killing me. even my mom had to force me really hard to go see this apostle *there were people who decided to stay in the bus, anyway*. and thanks to my mom who forced me, it was really good and i believe it would be much better if there were no rain and wind. we were having a difficult time to take photos because our freezing hand and we also had to make sure our umbrella did not fly away because of the strong wind while we were taking pictures.
i only posted the one below to show you all that even i wore an umbrella, my top was still wet! can you see? hahaha -__-
oh and this was taken at some park near the 12 Apostle *forgot the name* and i did see kangaroos jumping around! i did not have chance to take their pictures as they were too far and too fast and yes it was very difficult to take my camera.
this was our very-funny tour leader with his also-very-funny poncho.
these were just posted to show you the very-strong wind! haha -___- and our wet clothes though we had umbrellas.
THE NEXT DAY, first we went around the city by Melbourne's free-city circle tram.
these were photos of the tram :)
and theenn, part two ends here :)
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