Monday, May 24, 2010

when u find it's hard to forgive

there's a good narration i got from Chuch last Sunday which really touched me.

"when a deep injury is done to you,
u will never recover until u forgive..
forgiveness does not change the past,
but it enlarges the future.."

it was from a video, actually. the video shows us about a story within a son n his father. this son, maybe in his twenties, visits his father in jail. they cannot speak to each other directly, so the son writes with a marker in papers. the sentences come from him which i can remember are these:

u neglected me..

u ignored me..

u took my ability to trust..

u killed mom..

with the music n both of them crying, i almost cry in that devotion. then the last sentence comes out:

"u took everything from me.."

gosh! i can't stand my tears, but fortunately, i can hold it. haha :)

first, as u know, i thought that was the last sentence, but then another comes out:


i got shocked n touched, with the ability of the son who can forgive his father after what all the father's done.

we sometime can not forgive somebody who made mistakes to us or who hurt us in a simple way. we do not see n notice there are people who suffer n who r in worse condition compared with us. moreover, if we compare our condition with God, who had been tortured n crucified though He did nothing wrong, our suffering n injuries are really NOTHING.

u can cry, u can hate sombody, u can be angry. that's emotion n that's nature. but then, don't let ur tears, ur hatred n ur anger control ur activites, ur feeling, n ur mind. dont let them be in ur heart n brain too long. just let it go. life goes on. there's no need to cry, hate, n angry to somebody.

when u get disappointed with someone, just remember how we've disappointed God everyday.
when we cry, just remember how much tears God produces seeing our sins.
when we cannot forgive, just remember how God forgives us for ALL our sins :)

so from this day, i'd like to say..
i forgive him.. :)


  1. well..
    FYI, video yg dimaksud adalah video yg diputar saat gw jd liturgis (hehe...) en pake video ini jadi bahan utk sesi Refleksi Diri.. Video ini diambil dr YouTube, en kata-kata di atas merupakan quotes dari Mary Karen Read..

    Back to topic, yg gw rasain jg gitu Tesa.. Terkadang manusia tuh mau ngelebihin Tuhan.. Masa dosa qta yg bejibun banyaknya aja Tuhan mau ampunin, tp qta gak mau ampunin kesalahan temen qta.. Yang kadang malah sepele bgt.. Betapapun kesalahan seseorang kpd qta sangat menyakitkan, tp gak ada yg lebih menyakitkan daripada dosa en kesalahan yg qta lakuin (berulang kali) kpd Tuhan.. So, we MUST to forgive the other.. GBU! (^_^)

  2. setujuuuu ko adi! :)
    makanya harus coba deh buat bisa maafin. minta tolong Tuhan pasti bisa deh. hehehe :)
